How to Strategically Identify and Solve the Most Common SAT Traps in 2021

Last Saturday (August 1st, 2020), Dr. John Nieman delivered yet another powerful open class lecture on the common traps of the SAT. During this amazing live lecture, Dr. Nieman engaged with more than 60 attendees and caught most of them with the tricky trap choices in his examples.

Furthermore, Dr. Nieman also goes on to discuss how the SAT is generally designed, what one's test score actually measures (not IQ), & how the test creators are incredibly clever with their wording & nuance.

Our live audience is encouraged to audaciously submit ambiguous answers to a number of intentionally convoluted questions throughout John's presentation. Working perfectly like a trap - not a half, if even a fourth of our student audience correctly answered any of these passage questions at a time. John then shows the correct answer, describes the analytical process through which he approaches each question and passage, and finally breaks down the question's appropriate answer cues concisely and with critical attention to detail. The recap & recording are below.

Following John's amazing lesson & preceding the Q&A, we held a raffle for our lucky registrants who attended to win a 4 Hour SAT Mock Test Strategy & Review Session for 1-Day (from our 5-Day SAT Mock Test Strategy & Review Course) with 7EDU's elite educators & test preparation strategists! Unfortunately, our first four randomized picks either did not show up or had left early. Due to time constraints, we had to re-select a winner at the end of the night from among our list of attendees & sent an email to our winner!

Congratulations to Jie Jie Yuan - we hope you enjoy your Mock Test & 4 hour SAT Strategy Review session ($160 Value)! To everyone else; better luck next time (or call us to schedule your paid review session today)!

According to Dr. Nieman, he himself is unable to confidently take a test like the SAT without maintaining series of annotations to track his analyses. You can see his multi-colored scribbling over the passages throughout the recording! In this value-dense, free-access lecture, Dr. Nieman describes concepts & core techniques for approaching the SAT's trap questions, including but not limited to:

  • The infinite grey space between the 0 & the 1 (between two logically correct answers)

  • How to isolate the fundamental grammatical SOV, or Subject Object Verb agreement

  • How to identify and annotate Superlative, Time, Quantity, and Same-Difference cues

  • Observing the Mostly Wrong/Mostly Right Pattern

  • How to competitively play the game designed by the SAT Test creators

  • The significance & correct interpretation of "-ly" words

  • Accepting the Imperfect 'Correct' Answer

  • The Primacy and Recency Effects (and how the SAT tests natural memory)

  • Knowing when to choose precision over impression

  • How to use the Answer Choice Key Words Effectively

  • How to MAP Motivation And Character immediately and accurately

  • How to choose the Proximally Correct Answer (aka How to read narrowly)

All these topics & much more are covered in 7EDU's Common Traps Live Open Class from August 1st, 2020 with Dr. John Nieman! Whether you're taking the SAT this year or the next, if it's in your future plans, you do not want to miss this presentation. Enjoy!

Keep scrolling for the video!

Before checking out the recording though, don't forget to register & save your seat for a chance to win our randomized raffle during this Saturday's Open Class!

On August 8th, 2020 at 6:00pm, 7EDU's weekly Open Class topic is: Optimized Distance Learning for Highschool Students (G9-12) & their Parents (Mandarin).

After this event, we will return to English Open Class the following week. The 7EDU expert is none other than Jun Liu, 7EDU's Founder, CEO, & Head Instructor! Jun has worked with over 30,000 students over the past 17 years & has a great lesson in store!

Register for your zoom invite today for a chance to win!

Click here for a full video

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SAT Mock Test Strategy & Review

  • 8/30 - 9/27 (5 Days) Sunday 9AM - 12PM PST

  • 10/4 - 11/1

  • 11/8 - 11/29

1500+ SAT Mock Test Strategy & Review

  • 8/9 - 8/23 (3 Days) Sundays 2:30 - 4:30PM PST

  • 8/29 - 9/26 (5 Days)

  • 10/3 - 10/31

  • 11/7 - 11/28

SAT Common Traps Review - 4 Sessions

  • 8/15-8/25 Tues & Sat 5 - 7PM PST

  • 9/1-9/12 Tues & Sat

  • 10/3-10/24 Tues & Sat

  • 11/10-11/21 Tues & Sat

SAT Essay Strategy

  • 8/29 - 9/19 Saturdays 9 - 11AM PST

SAT English Strategy

  • 8/15 - 9/19 9AM - 12PM PST

  • 9/26 - 10/31

  • 10/24 - 11/28

ACT 35+ Mock Test Strategy & Review

  • 8/15 - 9/12 2:30 - 4:30PM PST

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  • 8/19 - 10/23 Wednesdays & Fridays 3:30 - 5:00PM PST

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  • 8/17 - 10/26 Mondays & Thursdays 4:00 - 5:30 PM PST

Java USACO Bronze 7th - 12th Grade

  • 8/10 - 8/21 Mondays & Fridays 5:00 - 6:30PM PST

Visit our Course Catalog to see our full list of August classes.

If you'd like to learn more about 7EDU's K-12 Enrichment, Foundation, Counseling, and Test Strategy programs, message the Chatbox, send an email to, or give us a call today!

  • For English, Call/Text (650) 284 6408

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