5 Strategies to Boost Your SAT Score by 150 Points

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The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) measures college readiness, academic skill, and aptitude. Many universities require applicants to take either the SAT or the ACT as part of their admissions requirements. The SAT consists of three sections: 1) reading, 2) writing and language, and 3) math. The 3-hour exam includes 154 questions, with the optional essay having been discontinued. A student's SAT score is made up of the combined math score (maximum of 800) and reading and writing score (maximum of 800), with a perfect score being 1600. According to The College Board, a score of 1350 puts a student "in the top 10% of test takers," and can make the student's application more competitive. At 7EDU, we work with students to boost their scores by 100-150 points to put them in the range of 1500, making them competitive at highly selective schools. 

The following five strategies can help students boost their scores. For more information, or to schedule an SAT diagnostic with 7EDU, please contact us. 

Strategy 1: Take a Mock SAT (Diagnostic)

Mock tests are typically administered under similar test-taking conditions to give students as close of an experience as possible to the real test conditions, particularly the timing of each section. A thorough review of the mock test will help students recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and learn to manage their time as they are taking the test.

Strategy 2: Review Your Mistakes and Look for Patterns

What types of mistakes are you making on your mock or practice tests? Are these mistakes repeated? The more you go over the material, the better you will understand what you need to work on. If you are taking practice exams put out by the College Board, be sure to take a different one each time.

Strategy 3: Don't Procrastinate - Develop a Study Plan and Stick to It

The SAT is not something you can "cram" for. Prep courses often last several weeks because it takes that long to cover the material and grasp many of the concepts and strategies. Be sure to allow time each week to study and review for the exam, even if you have a busy schedule. If you are taking a prep course, attend every class and set aside time to complete any assignments.

Strategy 4: Create Your Own Notes/Annotations/ Highlight

Choose a method that works best for YOU. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to how you retain your information. Separating academic content and test development skills may be helpful. Highlighting text while you read is a visual reminder of material that you found important the first time you went through the content. Make revisions of your notes if you have to until you’ve retained the information!

Strategy 5: Be Aware of Your Pace Everyone works at different paces and for standardized tests like the SAT, you need to make sure that you aren’t spending too much time on one subject. Know your strengths and don’t dwell on a problem for too long, especially if you’ve been struggling for the solution for a while. Practice tests will also help you learn to manage your time more efficiently while taking the test.

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