The Violin is More Powerful Than You Think

7EDU Impact Academy

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The modern violin has been around for about 400 years. Other string instruments date back for almost 1,000 years. Scientists have been able to examine brain activity stimulated by playing them. Through centuries of research, they have found various physical, mental and social benefits of playing an instrument. However, the instrument that offers the most benefits is the violin.

Playing any musical instrument simultaneously engages every part of the brain. According to a Harvard study, practicing different instruments appear to cause varying modifications within the brain. The study suggests that the brain changes made in singers differentiate slightly than those that are seen for keyboard or string players.

Young children often show curiosity in learning how to play the violin, which should be encouraged! Through musical training, students’ memory and attention spans have shown significant positive impacts and enhanced brain development.

Students who choose to study and practice violin in school find that they are able to express themselves creatively, which other subjects don’t offer. Violin is a healthy outlet to release feelings and emotions that most teenagers may find difficult in doing.

Researchers have also found that violinists have a higher ability to integrate sensory information, which include touch, hearing and sight. Playing the violin can also reduce stress levels, depression and anxiety.

Adolescents who participate in violin find social benefits in belonging in an orchestra because of the required group coordination. Participation in concerts and contests provides the violinists the opportunity for achievement, which helps boosts their self-esteem. High self-esteem has been correlated to healthy brain development.

Physical benefits of playing the violin include: better posture, improved motor skills and a stronger upper body. As adults, playing the violin may help with spine and pain-inducing posture related problems.

Young children often show curiosity in learning how to play the violin, which should be encouraged! Through musical training, students’ memory and attention spans have shown significant positive impacts and enhanced brain development.

Proficiency in music education is also an extracurricular activity that can also provide college admissions boards something to look at as well.

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