The Internship Advantage
Benefits, admissions boost, and openings to apply to

Gone are the days when a high GPA and standardized test scores were enough to guarantee college admission. College admissions are now looking for students who possess real-world experience, initiative, and passion. And internships are the perfect way to showcase all three!

How internships can give you that competitive edge

Internships offer students the chance to gain practical experience, develop key skills, and build an impressive resume - all while still in school. Not only do they demonstrate a student's willingness to take on new challenges, but they also provide valuable insights into different industries. This knowledge can help students make informed decisions about their academic pursuits and set them on a path to success.

Why you should include internships in your college application

Internships provide an opportunity to showcase initiative and passion for learning, helping students differentiate themselves from other applicants. Moreover, practical experience in their field offers valuable exposure to different industries, enabling students to learn skills that may not be covered in their classes, such as project management, client relations, and industry-specific software. 

What kinds of internship programs should you look for? 

Industry-specific internships

These internships are focused on a particular industry, such as engineering, finance, or marketing. They can provide you with valuable experience and connections in your chosen field.

Research internships

These internships allow you to work on research projects with faculty members or industry professionals. They can help you build your research skills and gain experience in your field.

Service-learning internships

Service-learning internships combine community service with academic learning, allowing you to make a difference while building your skills and knowledge.

Internship positions you can apply to today

The 7EDU internship placement programs help students narrow their interests and discover their personal passions. We partner with cutting-edge companies to place students in unpaid internship positions related to: technology, finance, business, social science, education, the arts, and more.

Internship openings are also available for the following positions:

  • Data Analyst Intern

  • Quality Assurance Engineer Intern 

  • Business Analytics Intern

  • Front-end Engineer Intern

  • Marketing Coordinator

  • Teaching Assistant

  • Art Show and Competition Intern

  • Content Writer & Copy Writer Intern

  • Visual & User Experience Design Intern

  • Web Developer Intern 

Ready to take the first step towards an exciting internship opportunity? Apply for our exciting internship positions by filling out our application form and indicating your preferred role. 

By completing the form, you're one step closer to gaining valuable experience, building your skills, and making connections in your desired field. Don't hesitate, apply today and take the first step towards your future career success!

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