Ivy Day 2020: All You Need To Know

During your journey of applying to colleges and universities, you have probably heard about the infamous Ivy League schools at least once.

The Ivy League schools are Dartmouth, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale.

For any student that is anticipating their admissions results from these eight prestigious colleges, you will learn of the term “Ivy Day” or “Ivy Admissions Day”.

The day is filled with many students’ nervousness of whether they will receive a letter from their dream school: “Congratulations” or whether they will see “I’m sorry to inform you”.

Key summary points:

  • Ivy Day is when all eight Ivy League schools release their Regular Decision admission decisions

  • Ivy Day 2020 will be on March 26, 2020

To help you navigate the rollercoaster of Ivy Day, this post will cover:

  • What is Ivy Day?

  • When is Ivy Day?

  • What to do after Ivy Day decisions come out?

What Is Ivy Day?

A crucial point in your college application process, Ivy Day, is when all eight Ivy League schools release their Regular Decision admission decisions. Annually, Ivy Day is usually during late March.

Typically, the Ivy Day admissions results are released at either 5 PM or 7 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Ivy Admissions Day is specifically for the students that have applied Regular Decision to any of the Ivy League schools. You should anticipate hearing back regarding your admission results on this day from all Ivy League schools that you applied to.

Ivy Day is a joint agreement between the eight prestigious colleges regarding admission policies. (Source: Princeton University)

Since the long-awaited Ivy Day is one full of anxiety and excitement, it is common to face longer page-loading times and the possibility for page crashes on the online portals. If you do encounter this issue, it will benefit you to wait thirty minutes or an hour after online student traffic has decreased.

When Is Ivy Day?

This year, Ivy Day will be on March 26, 2020. (Source: Brown University)

As mentioned previously, the Ivy Day admission results time differs every year. Take a look at the past Ivy Day dates and times for reference:

  • 2019 - Thursday, March 28 - 5 PM EST

  • 2018 - Wednesday, March 28 - 7 PM EST

  • 2017 - Thursday, March 30 - 5 PM EST

  • 2016 - Thursday, March 31 - 5 PM EST

  • 2015 - Tuesday, March 31 - 5 PM EST

What To Do After Ivy Day Decisions Come Out?

The most common question following what and when Ivy Day is, is deciding what to do after your admission results are released.

Depending on whether you applied to multiple Ivy League schools, you may have been accepted for several Ivies and rejected possibly from your top choice. Or, you possibly were rejected from all the Ivy League schools that you applied to.

Regardless of what the Ivy Day admission decisions were, you still need to ask what should you do next? The following are the three common scenarios most students expect and what they should do next.

Accepted By Ivy League School

For every ambitious and high-achieving student out there, congratulations!

Before committing to your accepted Ivy League school, if you are having any uncertainty - it is okay for you to wait to hear back from other colleges that you have applied to, before you determine which school to attend.

Consider the tuition cost of attending and seek clarification where needed on the financial aid package that is being offered.

After taking these items into account, you can accept the Ivy League invitation to attend and start declining the other acceptances you receive from other colleges.

Waitlisted By Ivy League School

This does not mean that you were rejected wholeheartedly from the Ivy Leagues. It can be difficult and confusing deciphering what a waitlisted decision means from the Ivy Leagues.

If you are willing to postpone and wait regarding your college application process, you should promptly accept the waitlist invitation to be placed on the Ivy League school’s waitlist. Doing so guarantees that you are still in the pool of student applicants who sincerely want to be a part of the incoming freshman class.

The situation may differ if this Ivy League is your top-choice. Presuming that it is, it may be a good idea to reaffirm the admissions office of your concrete (100%) intent to attend if accepted off the waitlist. You can do this by writing a letter to the school while also incorporating the details of how you imagine your successful college experience at this particular Ivy League along with the courses you are especially interested in.

Note that you will most likely not hear back regarding your waitlist decision until after the deadline (May 1, 2020) has passed.

Put down a deposit for your second-choice school, even if you have not yet heard back from your top-choice Ivy League. This provides some security if you do not get off the waitlist - you will still have a seat secured at another amazing college.

The worst thing that happens from placing a deposit is if you are accepted to your top-choice Ivy League that waitlisted you and you lose your deposit money.

Rejected By Ivy League

First things first, it is okay to be sad or upset about this rejection. Consider that all eight Ivy League schools are vigorously difficult to get into and accordingly, it is expected that the overwhelming majority of candidates will be denied. It holds no power over a student’s academic capability.

After coming to terms with the Ivy League rejection, you need to critically think about your available options.

If you planned adequately and for scenarios like these, you should have a second-choice college that you applied to. If accepted, weigh the option of accepting the admission offer or decline depending on other acceptable alternatives.

To help narrow down whether you want to attend your second-choice or other colleges you applied, start by asking yourself:

  • Can I envision myself attending here?

  • Are the financial aid packages suitable for my situation?

  • How will this school help me determine and achieve my future career goals?

  • Will I be able to stay involved in the activities that are important to me here?

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