Is Online High School Right For You? Know These 3 Things Beforehand

Have you ever wondered if online high school was a viable and good option for you as a student?

Or are you unsure of whether online high schools provide a challenging environment nearly as well as a traditional high school setting?

Today's 7EDU blog article aims to answer all your essential questions regarding online schools!

In this straightforward article, you will learn:

  • What an online high school is and what it entails;

  • The various kinds of online high schools that are offered; and,

  • The advantages and disadvantages of attending one.

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What Exactly Is An Online High School?

An online high school is a program that enables students to obtain their high school diploma through completing courses virtually.

The majority of the classes for these high schools are completely online, but there are cases in which you may be required to travel to exam centers when midterms or finals season comes around or when there are hands-on class assignments and projects.

If you decide to sign up for online classes, you have the option of selecting a few to supplement your regular high school program or you can acquire your high school degree with entirely online courses.

What Are The Types Of Online High Schools?

Similar to traditional on-campus high schools, online schools are offered in four various types:

  1. Charter schools: online charter schools will provide students with comparable traits of online public schools, but they normally offer a broader range of courses alongside more unconventional education methods.

  2. Private schools: online private schools are not as highly governed as other types of online schools and as a result, costs and quality of education can differ greatly; they don't have strict enrollment requirements for students to reside in a specific state; and, some are specialized online schools that emphasize math and science or are religious-oriented for instance.

  3. Public schools: online public schools are government-funded and available for free to students that are a resident minor in the state or district that the school is offered; these online schools will follow a traditional curriculum as regular on-campus high schools and offer limited courses due to strict state policies.

  4. Affiliated schools: online affiliated schools can refer to the schools that are supported via a college or university; these online schools normally permit high school students to obtain both high school and college credit for the online courses that they take; you can expect these affiliated schools to provide more enhanced and challenging courses than other online schools, however, they may be more costly.

Advantages Of Attending An Online School

#1. Free exploration from a traditional school environment.

Perhaps you are a student that does not perform well in a conventional on-campus high school environment.

This can be due to various reasons such as difficulty adapting to the school learning environment or maybe problems with the educational style of your teacher.

Either way, an online school allows you to get away from conventional learning and examine a new way of learning.

#2. Increased flexibility in your schedule.

This is definitely one of the crowd's favorites when it comes to enrolling in online school or classes.

If you are a student with other major commitments and responsibilities, such as competitive sports, a job, or music aspirations, an online school will enable the versatility of your academic calendar.

Having a flexible academic schedule is especially important for students who may travel often or become ill easily.

Another fundamental benefit to an online school is essentially its great capacity to empower paced learning. For the students who require additional time or for the ones who are far advanced in their studies, an online school tailors the learning experience to each individual student's pace.

Disadvantages Of Attending An Online School

#1. They can be expensive.

One of the major concerns many parents and students have in regards to online school enrollment is the hefty tuition prices.

While there are pricey online school tuition fees for some, you can avoid the expensive cost by:

  • Researching the online schools that are entirely free of charge (they exist, I promise)

  • Depending on your age and whether state funding is available, the costs of online schools may be more affordable

  • Think about selecting charter or public online schools since they are government-funded and free to resident student minors.

#2. It requires high self-motivation.

High school students that have a strong interest in learning are ideal online class candidates.

Virtual high school courses do not require that you are present in a classroom setting at a designated time, nor will you be demanded to see your teacher every single day.

Given the independent reign and similar studying environment of a college student, you will be responsible for completing your assignments in a timely manner without constant reminders or a supervisor.

If you are a high school student that struggles with maintaining motivation, but you are interested in online school or courses - develop a study plan or schedule that you will follow through with.

Moreover, you can also find specific online schools or classes that provide more teacher-to-student interaction to keep you academically on-track.

Lacking the motivation to study? Here are our book recommendations on all-things inspiration and success!

Are you registered for the December SAT? Find out about the pros and cons of taking the SAT in December!

Need some help building a study planner for yourself? We got you covered!

7EDU Impact Academy offers many college preparation services including one-on-ones, counseling, and specific courses. Feel free to contact us at (408) 216-9109 or if you have any questions or comments.

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