What The Ivy Leagues Expect For SAT Subject Tests

Are you a student with your eyes on the prize - an Ivy League acceptance letter? Or maybe another competitive and top university?

As you probably have researched a bit beforehand about your dream college, you are familiar with the fact that these are some of the most selective schools in the world. Knowing this, it is crucial that you thoroughly develop and prepare your college application to be as strong as possible.

7EDU will be hosting an on-site event on September 28 with a raffle to win a free comprehensive college application service. See the flyer beside to RSVP and guarantee your spot!

One of the various important aspects of your college application will be your SAT Subject Test scores.

The article today will discuss the necessary requirements of the SAT Subject exams and the correlating expected outcomes that Ivy Leagues are anticipating from college applications. 7EDU will also throw in some key recommendations on how you can balance studying and prepping for the SAT Subject Tests.

But before we get started, go ahead and take a read over yesterday's blog post about what makes a college "selective" and which top schools make that list. Learn about it here.

What Is The SAT Subject Tests?

To perform well on the SAT Subject Tests, you will need to understand what they are.

Simply put, the SAT Subject exams are used by colleges and universities to assess candidates on certain subjects.

The SAT Subject Tests are the only national examinations that you get to decide which to register and take. Given that you are provided the freedom of choice in deciding which SAT Subject Tests to take, most students prefer the exams that will best showcase their strengths and interests to the college admissions office.

Another important thing to keep in mind when applying for the Ivy Leagues is your high school classes. Do you know what you need to take? Look at our previous blog to figure out what classes top schools love to see on high school transcripts.

Basics You Need To Know About The SAT Subject Tests

If you need quick and important information on the SAT Subject Tests, these are the most valuable that you need to take away:

  • There are twenty possible examinations that you can pick and choose from

  • The twenty subjects cover five general subject areas: English, history, languages, mathematics, and science.

  • Each of the exams is an hour (60 minutes) long and consist of multiple-choice

  • Scalings for these SAT Subject Tests range from two hundred to eight hundred (200-800)

When is it the best time to be taking the SAT exam? Are there secret dates that will increase your score? Learn about it in our article here.

An important tip 7EDU has for high school students planning on taking any SAT Subject Test is to prepare and enroll in relevant coursework that will challenge the student in the subject matter.

For further information on the SAT Subject Tests, you can take a look at the College Board's webpage on the examinations here.

What Ivy Leagues Expect With The SAT Subject Tests

As you are now refreshed on what the SAT Subject Tests are, we can get to talking about the score results impact on your Ivy League admissions.

The eight colleges that comprise the Ivy League are:

Typically, Ivy League schools will advocate or require student candidates and applications to have a minimum of two SAT Subject Tests. While many schools and universities are beginning to opt for the exams as optional, they remain a key component of assessing an applicant's candidacy for college admissions.

As listed on Harvard University, the well-known college recommends the Subject Tests:

"While we recommend that you submit two SAT Subject Tests, you may apply without them if the cost of the tests represents a financial hardship or if you prefer to have your application considered without them."

Considering that some Ivy Leagues and top colleges require or make the SAT Subject Tests optional, what are the requirements and special directions that you need to follow to ensure your admissions success?

7EDU has compiled the following useful information that you can utilize to figure out the Ivy Leagues and other top universities' policies and requirements concerning the SAT Subject Tests:

  • Brown University | 2 recommended

  • Columbia University | None

  • Cornell University | Differs depending on the program, either 0 or 2 depending on the intended college

  • Dartmouth College | 2 recommended

  • Duke University | 2 recommended

  • Harvard University | 2 recommended

  • Princeton University | 2 recommended

  • University of Pennsylvania | 2 recommended

  • Yale University | Recommended, with no specific number

As a student applying for the Ivy Leagues, you should keep in mind the standard score ranges of the schools.

7EDU recommends that while you should be considering all the other components and factors in your college resume, qualified Ivy League applicants should also have a strong SAT Subject Test score to supplement the entirety of the application.

Competitive and top schools expect high school student candidates to have scored in the 700s, typically in the upper margins. Depending on the Ivy League that you are targeting for admission, look into their recent data on admitted students' scores, if they publish the results.

Do you want to know the exact SAT, ACT, and GPA scores that top universities and Ivy Leagues are? Read about it in our previous article here.

Benefits Of The SAT Subject Tests For Ivy League Universities

Students aiming for Ivy Leagues or other highly-competitive colleges should consider that although the SAT Subject Tests may be optional, taking the examination will benefit you in the following ways:

  • Stand out by providing the admissions officer a fuller picture of who you are as an academic student

  • Demonstrate your interests in the subjects that you are taking the exam for

  • Potentially fulfill introductory college-related courseworks or credit as an incoming freshman 3

  • Illustrate the knowledge that you have developed outside of high school and the classroom

  • Display your strengths

Besides your high school coursework, what extracurriculars catch the eyes of the college admissions office? Click to read our blog post about it here.

These are only a few initial benefits of the SAT Subject Tests. learn more specifically through the College Board's "Why Take The SAT Subject Tests" here.

If the Ivy Leagues or any other competitive college is your dream, keep in mind the various components such as the SAT Subject Test scores when completing and submitting your application. Proper study habits and college preparation beforehand is key.

"The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to prepare" - Bobby Knight
Part 1: Colleges That Recommend SAT Subject Tests