Unusual College Majors That Pay Over $100,000

As you work on your college applications, the question of "what major should I choose?" comes running through your mind.

One common recommendation many people give is that the best major for anyone would be the one that matches your personal interests. The passion and attraction towards a particular field are undoubtedly important in deciding what you want to pursue in college.

Needless to say, it can be stressful and complicated officially choosing what discipline you would like to learn and master throughout your time at a university. College is commonly considered one of the greatest direction or path to take for a successful and lucrative career. While there are definitely promising professions that do not require a degree, the vast majority of the future requires at a minimum a bachelor's degree.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, an employee who graduated with a Bachelor's Degree generally earned approximately eighty percent more than an individual with a high school diploma.

When most students are thinking of what colleges and fields of study they want to pursue, it is essential that they know which programs typically bring along quality incomes and of course appeals to their peculiar interests.

For that reason, today's article will provide you with some of the best potential options for what you could be studying that may draw your curiosity but also are some of the highest-paying majors to study.

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These are professions that are unconventional yet many people have built an entire career on them and managed to obtain wealthy incomes (close to or at least six figures).

#1. (Ethical) Computer Hacker

Not all hackers are malevolent and a fair amount of these individuals work in the security industry.

With online hacking becoming increasingly bold and more clever, the need for (ethical) computer hackers is on the rise.

White hat hackers, or ethical computer hackers, test an organization's IT security and determine any possible vulnerabilities in the system. With the help of a computer hacker, a company's IT security team can then utilize the findings to repair weak points, enhance their security structure, and reduce any future risks.

Computer hackers are granted explicit permission from management in order to execute these test runs, in the most harmless method as possible. They typically employ the same strategies and techniques as a network attacker would use to break a security system if it were real.

According to PayScale, certified computer hackers make a median of roughly $80,000 and the best earn well over $100,000.

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#2. Government Astronomer

While becoming a government astronomer certainly won't be easy with simply a bachelor's degree, high school students interested in pursuing this career can make a median of close to $120,000 annually.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, that is not far from $58 an hour.

You will need to acquire various advanced credentials if you do aim to become a federal government astronomer, but the rewards and payoff are appealing.

If you do manage to land employment working as an astronomer for the government, you may find that you will be working at the night observatories occasionally. This is because there is minimal sun radiation to jumble your observations and research.

#3. Prosthetist

The yearly median salary for prosthetists in 2018 was $69,000. The uppermost 25% received salaries of $85,000.

A prosthetist designs and helps individuals who need customized artificial limbs. With the number of humans with missing arms or legs from either birth defects, accidents, or injured veterans, pursuing an education to be a prosthetist is unique and pays a handsome amount.

As a prosthetist, you will be responsible for thoroughly reviewing affected limbs and personalizing a new false set for the individual.

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#5. Nuclear Medicine Technologist

Consider a career in nuclear medicine technology if you prefer the medicine field of study without the years of dedication required.

These technologists have professional experience operating machinery and mechanisms that take photos and images of a patient's body. They are responsible for administering radioactive medication prior to pictures being taken alongside with searching for any possible complications or adverse reactions to the drug.

Nuclear medicine technologists are highly specialized health care experts that examine how the body functions for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment of a large range of conditions or diseases.

If you are a student inspired towards helping others through medicine, perhaps a career in this major may be for you.

Plus, the median salary in 2018 for a technologist was roughly $78,000. As for the top-performing nuclear medicine technologists, they earned close to $91,000.

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#5. Elevator Mechanic

You probably have ridden an elevator at least once, either in an office building or at a shopping mall complex.

At one point, an elevator may run into some issues and potentially break down. This is where elevator mechanics are needed. These are the people that will set up and mend elevators to ensure that they are properly functioning and in good condition at all times.

These are the mechanics that is responsible for reviewing and guaranteeing that elevators are meeting safety requirements.

The average compensation for elevator installers and repairers are approximately $73,000. For the top ten-percenter earners, you can expect up to $115,000 annually.

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